The Perfect Day Formula With Craig Ballantyne EP49
Jan 10, 2017On this week’s episode of The Profit Moffatt Show, we welcome the author of The Perfect Day Formula, Craig Ballantyne. In the Perfect Day Formula, you’ll discover how to own the day and control your life without a bunch of complicated and confusing jargon.
Below you will find some time stamps and notes that highlight some of the best parts of the show.
I hope you enjoy!
- 5:06 Why I read these particular emails more than 99% of other emails that land in my email box.
- 6:40 What famous philosopher had a big impact upon Craig and helped him to develop The Perfect Day Formula.
- 9:40 The two types of people that Craig believes exist and how it affects your days personally and professionally. Which one are you?
- 12:15 What book Craig buys for almost all his friends when he finds them struggling with something in life.
- 13:40 The “Three C” Stoic formula Craig uses to control and seize the day.
- 15:15 A 15-minute trick to restructure your morning and begin your day with a new sense of zest and gusto.
- 19:25 What tool I keep next to my bed and use in the morning to start my day off on the right foot.
- 22:50 The importance of creating rules for your life and examples of how rules can help you.
- 26:30 What social media property and action can actually cause you anxiety if you aren’t careful.
- 29:05 The 5 words that helped cure Craig of crippling anxiety.
- 37:45 What are the 4 seasons of life that we all go through and how to balance them properly.
- 41:30 How Craig came to become the owner of EarlyToRise.com
- 43:20 What is Craig’s favorite part of his book.
- 45:57 The one mistake Craig made that held him back for so long and what he did to change it.
- 47:15 The one thing you can do in the morning that will help you get clear on your priorities and accomplish your goals.
- 49:00 How I used Craig’s 5 Pillars To Success to become a published author in 2 weeks.
Make sure you head over www.freeperfectdaybook.com and grab a FREE COPY of Craig’s Perfect Day Formula book and if you’d like to level up and get the entire success kit, go check out his free video at www.perfectdayformula.com